What’s New That We Will Bring You In 2018

What’s New That We Will Bring You In 2018

Hello Everyone,

My name is Pete Lanteri and I am the owner of Defense Techniques Academy. I wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year and explain where this company will be headed in 2018. Since we are still considered a new company it will take some time to gain our foothold in this field so please bear with us.  We have some exciting things planned for this year so I hope you will consider taking some courses with us. For starters, we will be blogging on our site starting with this post. This will be a great way we stay connected to you and bring to you our knowledge, ideas and training tips on a regular basis going forward. We have already starting writing a weekly article for the this website. Hopefully we will add more throughout the year. We hope you enjoy the knowledge and tips we pass on through our writings. Understandably, not everyone can take training classes do to factors in their life such as work and family requirements, cash flow, etc so we hope that these posts will aid in your training. Do keep in mind though that when we release a class on our schedule it is at a reduced price for a time. Early signup is the best way to get the best price for that class. Once the sale is over the rate does go back to its standard price.

We have added our Advanced Stress Combatives Course, a 2 day high stress class with advanced rifle and pistol drills. This course will test your limits and accuracy as we throw stress, distractions and elevate your heart rate to truly test your accuracy. It is not enough to be a good shooter. Can you be a good shooter with high accuracy when you have distractions around you and your heart rate is through the roof though?

Another great course we are finalizing is our “Active Shooter” Programs. One is designed for the every day citizen who wants to be trained and ready should they encounter a threat during their daily activities. The other is designed specifically for a business who needs help developing their Emergency Action Plan to help keep their employees safe in the unfortunate event of an active shooter at their business location. We will be releasing the course info soon.

Yet another great course we will be releasing soon is our “After The Fight” course. While there is definitely live fire drills and scenarios in this course, it is not the main reason for the course. You may be a great shooter but do you and your teammates know what to do when the fight is done? There is much that needs to be done once the bullets stop flying and this needs to be trained on just as much as the shooting aspect. Details and info released soon.

There are some other things we are working on that we think you will enjoy whether you are new to the firearms world or an experienced shooter. So please sign up on our site to receive our newsletter, stay up to date on our course schedule and as always feel free to contact us should you want a specific class that we have not scheduled yet. Thanks and best of luck in 2018.


Pete Lanteri


Defense Techniques Academy